In this weeks episode Rachael & John are joined by author of ‘Recruiting in the Age of Googlization’ - Ira Wolfe. His company Success Performance Solutions, helps organisations hire smarter and faster, where people are valued for their attitude and not just their skills.

Ira talks to us about his fascination with the speed of change, the challenge of living in perpetual uncertainty and how technology disrupts how we work. Describing himself as a millennial in a baby boomer body, his passion for the future of work is at the very core of this insightful, thought leading conversation. He shares his positive switch on VUCA from Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambitious to Vision, Understanding, Courage/Confidence and Adaptability.

We talk about transformation and what is required for business leaders develop a transformational mindset. Ira shares his thoughts on how a transformational mindset is essential to adapting and leaders can achieve this by becoming more courageous and confident in their actions. While also developing their abilities with a sharp focus on his top five focuses for any leader, these being: 

Mental Flexibility - Dealing with Flexibility, and paradox
Growth Mindset

In his area of expertise we lift the lid on recruitment today and what’s required in future.

Leadership Essentials:

1. Growing our ability to adapt: this should be perpetual, and used every day
2. Greater level of authenticity and transparency: be more comfortable with yourself by asking the relevant questions
3. Learn how to be more hopeful: have the courage to be more hopeful to truly feel optimistic, and share that hope with those you lead.



Eduard Spranger - Types of Men


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