In this weeks episode we take a deeper look at why we often confuse safety with certainty. Following on from last weeks conversation with Matt Lock we look at how we can help a team feel safer amid uncertain futures.

Using Matt’s Leadership Essentials we discuss a leaders choices illustrated by a couple of business scenarios. The first two; humility and courage are underpinned by the third which is all about adopting a curious mindset.

Matt’s Leadership Essentials:

Humility - open enough to know as a leader I’m probably part of the problem

Courage - to step into being vulnerable and that there are no clear answers

Curiosity - very true or fixed things, lets ask lots of questions and get different perspectives

In The Coaching Approach we return to our fictional organisation where we explore the concept of certainty from the perspectives of our characters George, John & Janet, and we also meet Jackson and Kim who are in a bind over forecasting the next 2 years when the future looks far from certain.