From gadgets for the elderly to selfie mirrors that can predict the risk of heart attack, health tech is a big trend at this year’s C-E-S tech show. The innovations make monitoring health simpler and more portable than ever – with AI powering many of the devices. With the assistance of AI, or Artificial Intelligence, many fields have become more manageable. A technology exhibition this year has captured the attention of many, showcasing innovations ranging from a mirror that assesses the risk of a heart attack to a toilet seat that monitors one's health status. SBS Nepali spoke to Sujal Dhungana, a Senior Data Engineer in Perth about AI and how ordinary people can incorporate it into their daily lives. - एआई अर्थात् आर्टिफिसिएल इन्टेलिजेन्सको सहायताले धेरै क्षेत्रलाई सहज बनाइदिएको छ। एआईको प्रयोग झन् स्वास्थ्य क्षेत्रमा नहुने त कुरै भएन। यो वर्षको प्रविधि सम्बन्धी एक प्रदर्शनीमा हृदयाघातको जोखिम देखाउने ऐना देखि स्वास्थ्य अवस्था कस्तो छ भनि देखाउने ट्वाइलेट सिटसम्मले धेरैको ध्यान खिचेको छ। एआई के हो र सामान्य मानिसहरूले आफ्नो दैनिकीमा कसरी एआईको उपयोग गर्न सक्छन् त? पर्थमा सिनियर डेटा इन्जिनियरका रूपमा कार्यरत सुजल ढुङ्गानासँग गरिएको कुराकानी सहितको रिपोर्ट सुन्नुहोस्।