Koto master, Satsuki Odamura was sent to Australia more than 30 years ago, by prominent Koto figure of Japan to spread the traditional Japanese instrument in the county. She has pioneered awareness of the ancient Japanese instruments through her performances in Australia, collaborating with various instruments and musical genres. She will be touring the country as part of Musica Viva in August, joined by French cellist Jean-Guihen Queyras, and young Australian cellist James Morley. - 来豪当時、箏をオーストラリアで広めることは「ミッション・インポシブル」ではないか、と感じていた小田村さん。楽器やジャンルを超えたコラボレーションにより、日本の伝統楽器をオーストラリアで広めることに成功しました。