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SBS Indonesian - SBS Bahasa Indonesia

4,327 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 2 hours ago - ★★★★★ - 3 ratings

Independent news and stories from SBS Audio, connecting you to life in Australia and Indonesian-speaking Australians. - Berita dan cerita independen yang menghubungkan Anda dengan kehidupan di Australia dan warga Australia yang berbicara dalam bahasa Indonesia.

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SBS Radio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 25 February 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 25 Februari 2022

February 25, 2022 12:07 - 9 minutes - 17.4 MB

SBS Radio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 25 February 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 25 Februari 2022

Settlement Guide: How Australia is welcoming back international students - Panduan Permukiman: Bagaimana Australia Menyambut Kembali Siswa Internasional

February 25, 2022 12:01 - 8 minutes - 15 MB

Australia has reopened its doors to international students after nearly two years of border restrictions. The Government recently announced certain concessions for student visa holders following the easing of borders to facilitate the return of international students to Australia. - Australia telah membuka kembali pintunya bagi siswa internasional setelah hampir dua tahun pembatasan perbatasan. Pemerintah baru-baru ini mengumumkan pelunakan tertentu bagi pemegang visa pelajar setelah pelongga...

Australian PM says Russia must pay for its actions - PM Australia mengatakan Rusia harus membayar tindakannya

February 25, 2022 11:46 - 4 minutes - 8.8 MB

Russia has attacked Ukraine and Australia is taking a stand in solidarity with Ukraine. - Rusia telah menyerang Ukraina dan Australia mengambil sikap dalam solidaritas dengan Ukraina.

Lolita Larasati Hall’s love of traditional Indonesian textiles sustains her soul - Kecintaan Lolita Larasati Hall terhadap Wastra atau Kain yang Dibuat secara Tradisional Menghidupi Jiwanya

February 24, 2022 09:23 - 19 minutes - 35.8 MB

Living through the COVID-era has been distressing and disruptive for most of us. It has been extremely stressful with broad-ranging impacts. But in this time many people have made adjustments, sometimes by discovering new interests or rediscovering old ones. Lolita Larasati Hall is one of those people. - Hidup melalui era COVID telah menyusahkan dan mengganggu bagi sebagian besar dari kita. Hal itu sangat menegangkan dengan dampak yang luas. Namun pada saat yang sama, banyak orang yang melaku...

SBS News Indonesian Program – 23 Feb 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 23 Feb 2022

February 23, 2022 12:04 - 12 minutes - 23 MB

SBS News Indonesian Program – 23 Feb 2022. - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 23 Feb 2022.

What is Bookhive and why it is flourishing? - Apa Itu 'Bookhive' dan Mengapa Berkembang Pesat?

February 23, 2022 11:48 - 7 minutes - 13.3 MB

Farid Hamka is a young Jakartan who loves to read. He wondered how he could foster that love in his fellow Jakartans. The COVID-19 experience helped him to come up with an effective solution. - Farid Hamka adalah pemuda Jakarta yang gemar membaca. Farid berpikir bagaimana dirinya dapat menumbuhkan cinta membaca itu pada sesama warga Jakarta. Pengalaman COVID-19 membantunya menemukan solusi yang efektif.

With a hope to be like Elyse Knowles or Chloe Morello. How does social media affect the way we see ourselves and our bodies? - Harapannya menjadi seperti Elyse Knowles atau Chloe Morello. Bagaimana media sosial mempengaruhi cara kita melihat diri kita dan tubuh kita sendiri?

February 23, 2022 11:21 - 6 minutes - 12.5 MB

There are calls for social media giants to clean up their platforms due to fears they are fueling a body image crisis in Australia.   - Ada seruan bagi raksasa media sosial untuk membersihkan platform mereka karena kekhawatiran mereka dapat memicu krisis citra tubuh di Australia.

With a hope to be like Elyse Knowles or Chloe Morello. How does social media affect the way we see ourselves and our bodies? - Harapannya menjadi seperti Elyse Knowles atau Chloe Morello. Bagaimana media sosial mempengaruhi cara kita melihat diri kita dan tubuh kita sendiri?

February 23, 2022 11:21 - 6 minutes - 12.5 MB

There are calls for social media giants to clean up their platforms due to fears they are fueling a body image crisis in Australia. - Ada seruan bagi raksasa media sosial untuk membersihkan platform mereka karena kekhawatiran mereka dapat memicu krisis citra tubuh di Australia.

With a hope to be like Elyse Knowles or Chloe Morello. How does social media affect the way we see ourselves and our bodies? - Harapannya menjadi seperti Elyse Knowles atau Chloe Morello. Bagaimana media sosial mempengaruhi cara kita melihat diri kita dan tubuh kita sendiri?

February 23, 2022 11:21 - 6 minutes - 12.5 MB

There are calls for social media giants to clean up their platforms due to fears they are fueling a body image crisis in Australia. - Ada seruan bagi raksasa media sosial untuk membersihkan platform mereka karena kekhawatiran mereka dapat memicu krisis citra tubuh di Australia.

How to protect your business during supply chain crisis - Bagaimana Melindungi Bisnis Anda saat Terjadi Krisis Pasokan

February 22, 2022 12:20 - 11 minutes - 9.08 MB

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted a supply chain crisis, a shortage in products affecting both consumers and businesses. Even though things are improving, how can businesses protect themselves if this supply crisis dragged-on or to reoccurs in the future? - Pandemi COVID-19 telah mendorong terjadinya krisis pasokan, kekurangan produk yang berdampak pada baik itu konsumen dan juga tempat-tempat usaha. Meski situasinya membaik, bagaimana cara bisnis melindungi diri mereka jika krisis pasokan i...

Still running with the press pack. What gets in the way of effective media coverage of Federal election campaigns? - Sebagai media yang beratnggung jawab, bagaimanakah seharusnya media meliput pemilu Federal itu?

February 22, 2022 10:56 - 11 minutes - 21.1 MB

The Federal Government will soon announce an election date for a Federal election. On traditional and contemporary platforms, the print and electronic media will cover the election campaign. Traditional media have adapted to new technology but do they also need to change their style of coverage to better inform voters? - Pemerintah Federal akan segera mengumumkan tanggal untuk pemilihan Federal. Pada platform tradisional dan kontemporer, media cetak dan elektronik akan meliput kampanye pemilu...

Still running with the press pack. What gets in the way of effective media coverage of Federal election campaigns? - Sebagai media yang beratnggung jawab, bagaimanakah seharusnya media meliput pemilu Federal itu?

February 22, 2022 10:56 - 11 minutes - 21.1 MB

The Federal Government will soon announce an election date for a Federal election. On traditional and contemporary platforms, the print and electronic media will cover the election campaign. Traditional media have adapted to new technology but do they also need to change their style of coverage to better inform voters? - Pemerintah Federal akan segera mengumumkan tanggal untuk pemilihan Federal. Pada platform tradisional dan kontemporer, media cetak dan elektronik akan meliput kampanye pemilu...

Still running with the press pack. What gets in the way of effective media coverage of Federal election campaigns? - Sebagai media yang beratnggung jawab, bagaimanakah seharusnya media meliput pemilu Federal itu?

February 22, 2022 10:56 - 11 minutes - 21.1 MB

The Federal Government will soon announce an election date for a Federal election.  On traditional and contemporary platforms, the print and electronic media will cover the election campaign.  Traditional media have adapted to new technology but do they also need to change their style of coverage to better inform voters? - Pemerintah Federal akan segera mengumumkan tanggal untuk pemilihan Federal. Pada platform tradisional dan kontemporer, media cetak dan elektronik akan meliput kampanye p...

SBS News Indonesian Program – 21 Feb 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 21 Feb 2022

February 21, 2022 12:39 - 20 minutes - 37.6 MB

SBS News Indonesian Program – 21 Feb 2022. - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 21 Feb 2022.

An important apology has been made. What needs to be done next? - Permintaan maaf penting telah dibuat. Apa yang perlu dilakukan selanjutnya?

February 21, 2022 10:42 - 11 minutes - 21.3 MB

Last week Scott Morrison and other members of the Federal parliament apologised for instances of sexual abuse and harassment that had occurred in parliament workplaces. The apology came from one of the recommendations of the Jenkins Report. What will happen with the other 27 recommendations? - Pekan lalu Scott Morrison dan anggota parlemen Federal lainnya meminta maaf atas kasus pelecehan dan pelecehan seksual yang terjadi di tempat kerja parlemen. Permintaan maaf itu datang dari salah satu r...

An important apology has been made. What needs to be done next? - Permintaan maaf penting telah dibuat. Apa yang perlu dilakukan selanjutnya?

February 21, 2022 10:42 - 11 minutes - 21.3 MB

Last week Scott Morrison and other members of the Federal parliament apologised for instances of sexual abuse and harassment that had occurred in parliament workplaces. The apology came from one of the recommendations of the Jenkins Report. What will happen with the other 27 recommendations? - Pekan lalu Scott Morrison dan anggota parlemen Federal lainnya meminta maaf atas kasus pelecehan dan pelecehan seksual yang terjadi di tempat kerja parlemen. Permintaan maaf itu datang dari salah satu r...

Lady Handayani and Rhythmnesia from Adelaide - Lady Handayani dan Rhythmnesia dari Adelaide

February 21, 2022 09:51 - 10 minutes - 18.4 MB

Rhythmnesia is a musical community that promotes the performance of modern Indonesian music and dance. In particular, Rhythmnesia aims to increase awareness of Indonesian music in the younger members of the Indonesian community. It aims to give people the opportunity to perform. So where does Rhythmnesia perform? - Rhythmnesia adalah komunitas musik yang mempromosikan pertunjukan musik dan tari modern Indonesia. Secara khusus, Rhythmnesia bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran musik Indonesia...

SBS Radio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 20 February 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 20 Februari 2022

February 20, 2022 07:22 - 10 minutes - 18.9 MB

SBS Radio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 20 February 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 20 Februari 2022

Students flood back to uni campuses - Mahasiswa membanjiri kembali kampus universitas

February 20, 2022 07:12 - 5 minutes - 4.97 MB

Tens of thousands of students scoured their university campuses this week, as face-to-face learning resumes for the first time since the pandemic began. Among them are international students, who were stranded outside Australia due to border closures. - Puluhan ribu siswa menjelajahi kampus universitas mereka minggu ini, ketika pembelajaran tatap muka dimulai lagi untuk pertama kalinya sejak pandemi dimulai. Di antara mereka adalah mahasiswa internasional, yang terdampar di luar Australia kar...

Anticipation mounts ahead of international borders reopening - Antisipasi meningkat menjelang pembukaan kembali perbatasan internasional

February 20, 2022 06:51 - 6 minutes - 12.6 MB

The announcement of the reopening of international borders on Monday 21 February has caused great anticipation for families planning to reunite, and businesses and airlines. - Diumumkannya pembukaan kembali perbatasan internasional pada hari Senin tanggal 21 Februari telah menyebabkan antisipasi besar bagi keluarga yang merencanakan untuk bersatu kembali, dan bisnis serta maskapai penerbangan.

Study shows lack of steps against slavery - Penelitian menunjukkan kurangnya langkah melawan perbudakan

February 20, 2022 06:41 - 4 minutes - 8.53 MB

Australian companies are falling short of their obligations when it comes to modern slavery, with a report showing only 27 per cent took effective action. - Perusahaan-perusahaan Australia gagal memenuhi kewajiban mereka dalam hal perbudakan modern, dengan laporan yang menunjukkan hanya 27 persen yang mengambil tindakan efektif.

SBS Radio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 18 February 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 18 Februari 2022

February 18, 2022 12:31 - 9 minutes - 17.5 MB

SBS Radio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 18 February 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 18 Februari 2022

Settlement Guide: Bilingual helping your child maintain heritage language and culture while growing up in Australia - Panduan Permukiman: Bilingual untuk membantu anak Anda mempertahankan bahasa dan budaya warisan saat tumbuh dewasa di Australia

February 18, 2022 12:23 - 8 minutes - 15.1 MB

The benefits of bilingual education are well documented. But experience shows that adapting it to your child’s needs is the only way to make it work for fostering cultural identity. - Manfaat pendidikan bilingual didokumentasikan dengan baik. Tetapi pengalaman menunjukkan bahwa menyesuaikannya dengan kebutuhan anak Anda adalah satu-satunya cara untuk membuatnya bekerja untuk menumbuhkan identitas budaya.

The tension goes on. Is a Russian attack on the Ukraine inevitable? - Ketegangan terus berlanjut. Apakah serangan Rusia ke Ukraina itu suatu keniscayaan?

February 18, 2022 12:05 - 23 minutes - 43.8 MB

Tension at the Ukraine border still remains high. President Biden still fears there will be conflict and that Russia is looking for an excuse to invade. One hope is that Biden and Putin will agree to a summit. Different understandings about historical agreements seem to be at the heart of this disagreement. Can a catastrophe be prevented? - Ketegangan di perbatasan Ukraina masih tetap tinggi. Presiden Biden masih khawatir akan ada konflik dan bahwa Rusia sedang mencari alasan untuk menyerang....

The tension goes on. Is a Russian attack on the Ukraine inevitable? - Ketegangan terus berlanjut. Apakah serangan Rusia ke Ukraina itu suatu keniscayaan?

February 18, 2022 12:05 - 23 minutes - 43.8 MB

Tension at the Ukraine border still remains high. President Biden still fears there will be conflict and that Russia is looking for an excuse to invade. One hope is that Biden and Putin will agree to a summit. Different understandings about historical agreements seem to be at the heart of this disagreement. Can a catastrophe be prevented? - Ketegangan di perbatasan Ukraina masih tetap tinggi. Presiden Biden masih khawatir akan ada konflik dan bahwa Rusia sedang mencari alasan untuk menyerang....

Travel Bubble in the Batam Island area to increase tourism in Indonesia - Travel Bubble di kawasan Pulau Batam untuk meningkatkan pariwisata di Indonesia

February 18, 2022 12:03 - 9 minutes - 18.2 MB

The Indonesian government has formed a travel bubble in the Batam area and the main tourist destination of Bintan, which has a number of resorts, including it. - Pemerintah Indonesia telah membentuk travel bubble di kawasan Batam dan daerah tujuan wisata utama Bintan, yang memiliki sejumlah resor, termasuk di dalamnya.  

Travel Bubble in the Batam Island area to increase tourism in Indonesia - 'Travel Bubble' di Kawasan Pulau Batam guna Meningkatkan Pariwisata di Indonesia

February 18, 2022 12:03 - 9 minutes - 18.2 MB

The Indonesian government has formed a travel bubble in the Batam area and the main tourist destination of Bintan, which has a number of resorts, including it. - Pemerintah Indonesia telah membentuk travel bubble di kawasan Batam dan daerah tujuan wisata utama Bintan, yang memiliki sejumlah resor, termasuk di dalamnya.

Portable long service leave scheme allows vulnerable workers to benefit - Skema cuti layanan panjang portabel memungkinkan pekerja yang rentan mendapat manfaat

February 18, 2022 02:44 - 3 minutes - 6.77 MB

Workers on short-term contracts are benefiting from new laws allowing them to transfer their long service leave entitlements between employers. - Pekerja rentan dengan kontrak jangka pendek mendapat manfaat dari undang-undang baru yang memungkinkan mereka untuk mentransfer hak cuti panjang mereka di antara majikan.

Pulling no punches. Indonesians Geisler AP and Rosa Kusuma Pelitasari have come to Australia to win - Kerahkan semua kemampuan. Geisler AP dan Rosa Kusuma Pelitasari dari Indonesia datang ke Australia untuk menang

February 16, 2022 11:20 - 9 minutes - 16.8 MB

On Thursday evening, 17t February Indonesian boxer Geisler AP will step into the ring at the Melbourne Pavilion to fight Australian Joel Camilleri for the WBA Oceania Super Welterweight title. He has travelled widely to fight in his career. Now he has come back to Australia to fight and would love your support. - Pada Kamis malam, 17 Februari petinju Indonesia Geisler AP akan naik arena di Melbourne Pavilion untuk melawan Australia Joel Camilleri guna memperebutkan gelar kelas Welter Super Oc...

Pulling no punches. Indonesians Geisler AP and Rosa Kusuma Pelitasari have come to Australia to win - Kerahkan semua kemampuan. Geisler AP dan Rosa Kusuma Pelitasari dari Indonesia datang ke Australia untuk menang

February 16, 2022 11:20 - 9 minutes - 16.8 MB

On Thursday evening, 17t February Indonesian boxer Geisler AP will step into the ring at the Melbourne Pavilion to fight Australian Joel Camilleri for the WBA Oceania Super Welterweight title. He has travelled widely to fight in his career. Now he has come back to Australia to fight and would love your support. - Pada Kamis malam, 17 Februari petinju Indonesia Geisler AP akan naik arena di Melbourne Pavilion untuk melawan Australia Joel Camilleri guna memperebutkan gelar kelas Welter Super Oc...

SBS News Indonesian Program – 16 Feb 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 16 Feb 2022

February 16, 2022 10:41 - 12 minutes - 23.7 MB

SBS News Indonesian Program – 16 Feb 2022. - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 16 Feb 2022.

SBS News Indonesian Program – 16 Feb 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 16 Feb 2022

February 16, 2022 10:41 - 12 minutes - 23.7 MB

SBS News Indonesian Program – 16 Feb 2022. - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 16 Feb 2022.

Epidemiologist answering questions about Novavax vaccine - Pakar Epidemiologi Menjawab Pertanyaan seputar Vaksin Novavax

February 16, 2022 10:09 - 13 minutes - 24.9 MB

With the arrival of the Novavax vaccine in Australia, there is another choice. It is the fourth COVID-19 vaccine to be approved by the Theraputic Goods Association (TGA) for use in Australia. Rollout of the vaccine commences this month. What are the conditions for access to and use of Novavax? - Dengan kedatangan vaksin Novavax di Australia, ada pilihan lain. Ini adalah vaksin COVID-19 keempat yang disetujui oleh Theraputic Goods Association (TGA) untuk digunakan di Australia. Peluncuran vaks...

Epidemiologist answering questions about Novavax vaccine - Pakar Epidemiologi Menjawab Pertanyaan seputar Vaksin Novavax

February 16, 2022 10:09 - 13 minutes - 24.9 MB

With the arrival of the Novavax vaccine in Australia, there is another choice.  It is the fourth COVID-19 vaccine to be approved by the Theraputic Goods Association (TGA) for use in Australia.  Rollout of the vaccine commences this month. What are the conditions for access to and use of Novavax?  - Dengan kedatangan vaksin Novavax di Australia, ada pilihan lain. Ini adalah vaksin COVID-19 keempat yang disetujui oleh Theraputic Goods Association (TGA) untuk digunakan di Australia. Peluncura...

Indonesian epidemiologist Dr Dicky Budiman answers questions about the Novavax vaccine - Pakar epidemiologi Indonesia dr Dicky Budiman menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang vaksin Novavax

February 16, 2022 10:09 - 13 minutes - 24.9 MB

With the arrival of the Novavax vaccine in Australia, there is another choice.  It is the fourth COVID-19 vaccine to be approved by the Theraputic Goods Association (TGA) for use in Australia.  Rollout of the vaccine commences this month. What are the conditions for access to and use of Novavax?  - Dengan kedatangan vaksin Novavax di Australia, ada pilihan lain. Ini adalah vaksin COVID-19 keempat yang disetujui oleh Theraputic Goods Association (TGA) untuk digunakan di Australia. Peluncura...

SBS News Indonesian Program – 14 Feb 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 14 Feb 2022

February 14, 2022 11:05 - 13 minutes - 24 MB

SBS News Indonesian Program – 14 Feb 2022. - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia – 14 Feb 2022.

Well that’s football. Sometimes predictions just go awry - Nah itulah sepak bola. Terkadang prediksi meleset begitu saja

February 14, 2022 09:34 - 28 minutes - 52.2 MB

Hopefully the AFC Women’s Asian Cup tournament has inspired girls across Asia to take up soccer. But the player development process for soccer players is so important. Elika Halim is a great example. - Semoga turnamen Piala Asia Wanita AFC berhasil menginspirasi gadis-gadis di seluruh Asia untuk menekuni sepak bola. Namun proses pengembangan pemain untuk pemain sepak bola, sangat penting. Elika Halim adalah contoh yang bagus.

Well that’s football. Sometimes predictions just go awry - Nah itulah sepak bola. Terkadang prediksi meleset begitu saja

February 14, 2022 09:34 - 28 minutes - 52.2 MB

Hopefully the AFC Women’s Asian Cup tournament has inspired girls across Asia to take up soccer. But the player development process for soccer players is so important. Elika Halim is a great example. - Semoga turnamen Piala Asia Wanita AFC berhasil menginspirasi gadis-gadis di seluruh Asia untuk menekuni sepak bola. Namun proses pengembangan pemain untuk pemain sepak bola, sangat penting. Elika Halim adalah contoh yang bagus.

Suicide remains the biggest killer of Australians aged between 15 to 25 - Bunuh diri tetap menjadi pembunuh terbesar warga Australia berusia antara 15 hingga 25 tahun

February 14, 2022 09:02 - 9 minutes - 17.9 MB

Youth suicide is a complex issue, with members of the LGBTIQA+ community, people in rural Australia and Indigenous communities disproportionately affected. - Bunuh diri di kalangan remaja adalah masalah yang kompleks, yang berdampak secacra tidak propeorsional terhadap anggota komunitas LGBTIQA+, orang-orang di pedesaan Australia dan komunitas Pribumi.

SBS Radio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 13 Februari 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 13 Februari 2022

February 13, 2022 07:06 - 8 minutes - 15.7 MB

SBS Radio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 13 Februari 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 13 Februari 2022

SBS Radio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 13 Februari 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 13 Februari 2022

February 13, 2022 07:06 - 8 minutes - 15.7 MB

SBS Radio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 13 Februari 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 13 Februari 2022

Koalas listed 'endangered' in NSW, Queensland and ACT - Koala terdaftar 'terancam punah' di NSW, Queensland dan ACT

February 13, 2022 06:59 - 3 minutes - 7.27 MB

The federal government has listed koalas across New South Wales, Queensland and the A-C-T as endangered instead of vulnerable, in what it says is a bid to protect the species. - Pemerintah federal telah mendaftarkan koala di New South Wales, Queensland dan A-C-T sebagai terancam punah, bukannya rentan lagi, ini merupakan upaya untuk melindungi spesies tersebut.

Australian company enters US electric vehicle market - Perusahaan Australia memasuki pasar kendaraan listrik AS

February 13, 2022 06:43 - 5 minutes - 9.61 MB

Australian electric vehicle charging company Tritium is set to build its first US manufacturing facility in Tennessee - Perusahaan pengisian kendaraan listrik Australia, Tritium, akan membangun fasilitas manufaktur AS pertamanya di Tennessee...

Concerns raised about COVID booster program in QLD aged care homes - Kekhawatiran muncul tentang program booster COVID di panti jompo QLD

February 13, 2022 06:35 - 4 minutes - 8.3 MB

COVID-19 continues to overwhelm Australia's elderly care industry. One Queensland nursing home has been in the spotlight for the problems the sector is facing. - COVID-19 terus membanjiri industri perawatan lansia Australia. Satu panti jompo Queensland telah menjadi sorotan untuk masalah yang dihadapi sektor ini.

Concerns raised about COVID booster program in QLD aged care homes - Kekhawatiran muncul tentang program booster COVID di panti jompo QLD

February 13, 2022 06:35 - 4 minutes - 8.3 MB

COVID-19 continues to overwhelm Australia's elderly care industry. One Queensland nursing home has been in the spotlight for the problems the sector is facing. - COVID-19 terus membanjiri industri perawatan lansia Australia.  Satu panti jompo Queensland telah menjadi sorotan untuk masalah yang dihadapi sektor ini.

SBS Radio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 11 February 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 11 Februari 2022

February 11, 2022 07:55 - 9 minutes - 17.5 MB

SBS Radio News in Bahasa Indonesia - 11 February 2022 - Warta Berita Radio SBS Program Bahasa Indonesia - 11 Februari 2022

Settlement Guide: What is Jury Duty, and who can be summoned for it? - Panduan Permukiman: Apa itu Tugas Juri dan siapa yang bisa dipanggil untuk itu?

February 11, 2022 07:50 - 9 minutes - 16.5 MB

Every Australian citizen who is on the electoral roll can be called up for jury service. But what is involved if you are summoned to be a juror? And what are juries for? - Setiap warga negara Australia yang ada dalam daftar pemilih dapat dipanggil untuk menjadi juri. Tapi apa yang terlibat jika Anda dipanggil menjadi juri? Dan untuk apa tugas juri itu?

'Birds in cages' may cause the extinction of a kind of wild fowl - Burung dalam sangkar menyebabkan kepunahan sejenis unggas liar

February 11, 2022 07:10 - 10 minutes - 18.3 MB

In Indonesia, the culture of keeping birds in cages at home has become a hobby that is now increasingly popular but has a negative impact on the preservation of several types of birds. - Di Indonesia, budaya memelihara burung dalam sangkar di rumah, menjadi hobi yang kini semakin populer namun berdampak negatif pada kelestarian beberapa jenis burung..

Prof Emerita Virginia Hooker AM: The many sides of Mbak Nia’s relationship with Indonesia - Prof Emerita Virginia Hooker AM: Berbagai sisi hubungan Mbak Nia dengan Indonesia

February 10, 2022 02:25 - 14 minutes - 26.1 MB

A number of Australian academics whose work focuses on the study of Indonesia have received honours over the years, including Emeritus Professor David T Hill, Associate Professor Greg Fealy AM, and Honorary Associate Professor Peter McCawley AM. On 26 January 2022 Emeritus Professor Virginia Hooker AM (Mbak Nia) joined them. - Selama bertahun-tahun sejumlah akademisi Australia yang karyanya berfokus pada studi Indonesia telah menerima penghargaan, termasuk Profesor Emeritus David T Hill AM, A...

Prof Emerita Virginia Hooker AM: The many sides of Mbak Nia’s relationship with Indonesia - Prof Emerita Virginia Hooker AM: Berbagai sisi hubungan Mbak Nia dengan Indonesia

February 10, 2022 02:25 - 14 minutes - 26.1 MB

A number of Australian academics whose work focuses on the study of Indonesia have received honours over the years, including Emeritus Professor David T Hill, Associate Professor Greg Fealy AM, and Honorary Associate Professor Peter McCawley AM.  On 26 January 2022 Emeritus Professor Virginia Hooker AM (Mbak Nia) joined them. - Selama bertahun-tahun sejumlah akademisi Australia yang karyanya berfokus pada studi Indonesia telah menerima penghargaan, termasuk Profesor Emeritus David T Hill A...