Simon Rountree founder and chief executive officer of Change Ready who is an expert in change leadership and workplace wellness share his insights into why and what are the 40% of current jobs in Australia might be lost due to automation or advanced technology in the next decade. However, he says that we should focus not just the negative side but the positive side that changes could actually be good for us if are open mind and if we acquire essential skills or could utilizing our current skills in transitioning to other industries.


Simon Rountree uas yog tus rhawv tsim thiab teeb tsa lub koom haum Change Ready ua paub zoo txog tej kev pauv hloov txoj kev ua tus coj thiab tej kev noj qab nyab xeeb ntawm tej teej num tawm tswv yim tias yog vim li cas thiab yog dab tsi ua rau Australia tej hauj lwm ua tam sim no txog li ntawm 40% rau kaum tawm xyoo ntxiv no, thiab peb ho yuav tau npaj thiab kawm tej txuj ci dab tsi kom yog peb ho poob hauj lwm los yog xav nrhiav hauj lwm tshiab ua tam sim no thiab cov hauj lwm yam pem suab thiaj nrhiav tau hauj lwm ua. Tsis tas li ntawd yuav tau ua tib zoo los xyuas seb tej txuj hauj lwm peb paub tam sim no puas muaj peev xwm coj mus siv ua lwm yam hauj lwm tshiab txuas ntxiv rau yav tom ntej?

change leadership and workplace wellness share his insights into why and what are the 40% of current jobs in Australia might be lost due to automation or advanced technology in the next decade. However, he says that we should focus not just the negative side but the positive side that changes could actually be good for us if are open mind and if we acquire essential skills or could utilizing our current skills in transitioning to other industries.