What should we do to survive in this unpredictable economy and job markets so we can be employable? Simon Rountree, founder, and chief executive officer of Change Ready who has expertise in change leadership & workplace wellness share his insights into what we as employees should do to reskill ourselves and get us ready for present and future career, so we can bounce back in case of being redundant and ready for future career in the advent of technology.


Tsim nyog peb yuav ua li cas kom peb thiaj muaj peev xwm ua tau lub neej nrog tej lagluam thiab kiab khw lagluam uas muaj kev pauv hloov tas mus li vim tau coj tej technology vam meej los siv no? Simon Rountree, uas yog tus rhawv tsim thiab tswj lub koom haum Change Ready uas paub zoo txog cov kev pauv hloov rau txoj kev ua tus coj thiab tej kev noj qab nyob zoo ntawm tej chaw hauj lwm tawm tswv yim tias tej neeg ua hauj lwm tsim nyog yuav tau npaj thiab kawm tej txuj ci dab tsi kom thiaj pab lawv rov qab nrhiav tau hauj lwm ua los yog nrhiav tau dej num ua txuas ntxiv rau yav pem suab.