Previous Episode: SETTLE DOWN, GISELA

Greetings from the road, SaysWhovia! Dan is in the wilds of Colorado. Maureen is in Philadelphia. Both are super alarmed by the fact that no one seems to be wearing masks! They do not like it!

There’s been news this week—classic, SaysWho type news. Rudy Guiilliani is having a bad time. He’s broke. He’s in trouble. He’s down to the cheap booze and his pants keep falling off. Trump is no longer taking his calls. So this is the right time to give an interview and let it all hang out.

Meanwhile, COVID can’t stop, won’t stop—because people won’t take simple measures.

Then Maureen gets distracted by her own Tumblr feed and things just devolve from there.

Mask up, vax up, let’s go! It’s Says Who Time!

CONTENT NOTE: at the 30 minute mark, there is a brief mention of the Cuomo sexual harassment and abuse allegations. We don’t go into any detail at all—we just mention that it’s happening, and it’s bad

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