Jingle, jingle, SaysWhovia! Dan and Maureen had a few issues getting the recording done this week. Dan threw a pair of scissors, then the internet broke, like, twenty times. So our friends are not as well as they might be. But it’s all fine, for this is the season of glad tidings and joy. That is what Maureen is here to remind Dan. Dan has other things to remind Maureen.

He wants her to know, for example, that Rudy’s son has a job at the White House as a sports consultant or something. And that Trump needs glasses. But mostly he wants to tell her about the impeachment proceedings, and how they are going. In the last few weeks,  twelve witnesses  testified. Twelve! Like the days of Christmas! And if Maureen had more juice in her caboose right now, she might even try to write lyrics for the Twelve Days of Christmas with the witness names pinged in, but she does not, SaysWhovia. Because Dan told her more things. He told her how he thinks things are going as we careen toward the end of the year and this phase of the proceedings and towards 2020 and the Senate and the election and…

…well, it’s all fine, SaysWhovia. Get yourself a cup of cocoa and sit yourself down. Tuck yourself under this nice blanket. We will do this together.


Dan's tracking impeachment news and sending out updates every day. Sign up at impeachment.fyi

Watch Let it Snow, based on the book co-authored by Maureen November 8 on Netflix!

Maureen's book The Vanishing Stair is OUT NOW. NOW!

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Your Intrepid Hosts: Maureen Johnson and Dan Sinker

Our awesome theme is courtesy of Ted Leo

We love Darth

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