Happy 100 days of Trump! And what a hundred days they have been, full of...wait. Forget all that. Maureen has an important salad report. She's gone back to 1972 and brought back something green. Green and fluffy.

But it's not all salad. Maureen and Dan are joined by Buzzfeed's Tarini Parti to talk about about the creeps and hustlers in orbit around Trump. How did the local bars around Mar-a-lago suddenly become a nexus of political gossip, scams, and all around strange happenings?

Back in the hundred days... why hasn't anyone looked into the Civil War? How did that happen? Didn't anyone ask Andrew Jackson? Why does Trump only sleep four hours a night? What's in the new health care bill? Does anyone even care? It's questions like this that have kept Dan from sleeping. He's been spinning tales of imaginary clowns hiding outside of his house and building programs to track Trump's plane. Maureen revisits the past again, talking of paranoid relatives and counting dirty coins in a cloud of smoke.

But there are victories too! Some villains have been defeated. The Resistance has risen. Congratulations, everyone. We've made it this far.

100 days. It's harder than we thought!

Show Notes:

Tarini Parti covers Capitol Hill and the White House for BuzzFeed News.

Read her amazing article "the House Mother and the Fraudster ".

Make a Watergate salad! It's green and fluffy!

Find out more about Watergate and All the President's Men.

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Your Intrepid Hosts: Maureen Johnson and Dan Sinker

Our awesome theme is courtesy of Ted Leo.

Says Who's Logo was made by the one and only Darth

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