We all have a ton of things which can distract us everyday and make us less productive which can lead to a feeling of emptiness and low energy. To combat this I found a tip that came partially from one of the greatest Americans ever, 26th President Teddy Roosevelt. 

Roosevelt found that if he focused intensely on one task at a time he was more productive and more efficient. He discovered this practice while at Harvard. He would go to the library each afternoon and spend an intense hour or two studying. He wouldn't get up, talk to other students or distract himself with any reading material other than what he needed to study that day. 

You can do the same thing in your life. Pick your next task and silence your phone, close all social media, make sure you have gone to the bathroom and that you’re not hungry and just work. If you do this regularly you will find that those tasks get done quicker and easier, freeing you up to live a rich and full life just like Teddy Roosevelt did. 

Sources: Theodore Roosevelt used this productivity trick to get more done in a couple hours than most people do in a day

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