For many indie retail store owners, digital marketing doesn’t come naturally. With the ever-changing social media landscape, a constant stream of new features, and best practices that vary from platform to platform, it can be difficult for retailers to parse what’s worth the effort (and what’s best left on the backroom floor). 

Enter Crystal, our go-to guru who's been supporting independent retailers with their social media presence for nearly 15 years. In today’s episode, Crystal spills the beans on what really works on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok for indie retailers like us. 

If you've ever found yourself scratching your head over what to put in your Instagram carousels, wondering if Facebook is still worth your time (spoiler: it totally is!), or debating whether or not to join TikTok, this episode is a must-listen.

For show notes, including links to anything mentioned in the episode, visit

Kathy Cruz is an Independent Retail Coach who helps store owners work smarter, profit more, and grow their brick and mortar businesses. Connect with Kathy and learn more here:

Website: Retail Business Coach For Brick & Mortar Store Owners • Savvy Shopkeeper

Instagram: @savvyshopkeeper
Mastermind Group: Master Shopkeepers