Previous Episode: News Patch v.1.19
Next Episode: News Patch v2.09

ARMonopoly Averted!

Nvidia might be set to walk away from its deal with SoftBank’s chip manufacturer Arm (reported in news patch v11.17)
Receiving opposition from almost everyone who uses the chip giants hardware, as well as investigations by the UK govt., means the deal may not close as anticipated.
Nvidia claims the deal would not hinder console manufacturers and may even create competition amongst its competitors
There have been rumblings of Softbank preparing for a public offering
The deal will expire on September 13th of this year

Skynet is that you?

Facebook and Nvidia are working together to build an AI supercomputer named RSC (Air Research SuperCluster)
RSC will flex 5 exaflops, or 5000000 teraflops of AI performance across thousands of GPUs
The Supercomputer will train AI models with trillions of parameters, learn languages and help identify harmful content
Does a facebook owned company need this?

Not Cheap nUFF

GPU prices have been declining along with a recent drop in crypto values and mining activity
Bitcoin and Ethereum are both down almost 50% from their highs a few months ago
One example is the newer RTX 3080 Ti dropping from about $1800 to… $1600
A price drop is always welcome, but thanks to the continuing supply shortages we shouldn’t expect a pricing renaissance just yet
Is this just a downswing in crypto? Value normalization?
Even if crypto settles lower, the supply shortages is expected to last in to 2023


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