Previous Episode: News Patch v11.17
Next Episode: News Patch v.1.19

9-1-1 I Choose You!

Two L.A.P.D officers who ignored a robbery call to hunt down a snorlax will be fired
During their patrol in April of 2017 the two officers ( Louis Lozano and Eric Mitchell) ignored a call for backup for an active robbery with multiple suspects at a nearby mall
When asked why they failed to respond to the call they claimed there was “ a lot of music” and was “really loud” where they were patrolling
Footage found by their Sergeant showed both officers were close to the mall and could be heard saying “The guys are going to be so jealous”

Choking Hazard

Docqueen Jovo Watkins is accused of second-degree murder after an argument about the game Overwatch lead to the choking of his boyfriend
Rory Teasley, 28, was found unconscious and not breathing after authorities were called to the scene
Watkins called deputies out to his apartment in Pontiac, Michigan and reported that he and his boyfriend had gotten into an argument and that Teasley was ‘Sleeping’ on the couch
Teasley was pronounced dead after being rushed to the hospital

Grand Theft GPU: Busted!

If you remember back from News Patch 11.10, a whole box truck of EVGA GeForce RTX 30-series cards were hijacked
Well, they have finally turned up! But first, remember that EVGA stated that the serial numbers were on record, so anyone trying to register them for warranty sale would run into problems. Right?
So.. a Vietnamese retailer known for setting up mining rigs has been pinned for using some of these hoisted cards. This is no small, local retailer either. While the retailer has been kept anonymous, it is thought to be a chain store.
Some individuals have also “unknowingly” bought some of these cards because complaints have been filed due their hardware being locked after registration.

Call of Cheaters: Lawsuit-Zone

As most, if not all, of you know, Warzone has been heavily plagued by a massive endemic of cheaters.
It appears that Activision is finally making some headway on cleaning up CoD: Warzone of cheaters by officially opening a lawsuit against EngineOwning as of 1/11/2022.
The suit alleges that “EngineOwning infringed on Activision’s copyright, violated its terms of service, and hurt sales through the distribution of aimbots, triggerbots, and other cheats.” affecting “tens of thousands” of accounts.


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