What day is it? It's Thursday and we are chatting with Bailey Stanworth, Founder of Play Digital and yes, co-host of What Day Is It Podcast. Bailey shares her thoughts on what goes into building a successful business, as well as some advice for those wanting to start their entrepreneurial journey. With a special note to those creating content in the world of micro-influencers!

Diving into what has and has not worked for her own entrepreneurial path, learning quickly that you do not have to say YES  to everything or follow someone else's "checklist".  Bailey talks about the keys to seeing growth in the digital space and makes mention of creating strong, genuine connections IRL but more so with developing online friendships!

Check out Bailey Stanworth @baileyjst
Listen to her podcast @whatdayisitpodcast
Visit her Digital Creative Agency @playdigital

So have a listen, send to a friend and #saveherseat

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