We host Erin Junker, founder of The Happy Sleep Company who started her journey from her own personal experience with  a not so happy sleeper. She shares the change in her career path that came with a change in lifestyle, the behind the scenes of building a business, and the push to take it full-time!

We get into the details of Erin identifying a market with a need she could fulfill and taking the leap to do it. Common misconceptions around sleep, navigating motherhood and normalizing asking for help from experts in their field. She also gives some great advice for entrepreneurs, and specifically women in biz!

Listen to Sleep Cues: The Everything Baby Sleep Podcast
Follow Erin and The Happy Sleep Company

So have a listen, send to a friend and #saveherseat

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Teri Canestraro @teri.can
Sarah Singleton @bysarahsingleton

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