Today we have Nadya Pecherskaya, the founder of ICARIA -  a CDB oil company focusing on women's wellness first. ICARIA is a Vancouver based company with the goal to empower and educate women about the health benefits of CBD oil.

She is making waves in the industry to help others better understand the benefits and how they can be using CBD oil, fact checking the myths and working to break down the stigma surrounding CBD. Nadya shares her journey to entrepreneurship and what she holds onto on tough days in business.  We discuss the challenges she has faced with not only working within the cannabis industry but as it stand within a male dominated industry as well. 

Connect with Nadya and ICARIA
Shop CBD at and use code FWSH to save $15 off

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Teri Canestraro @teri.can
Sarah Singleton @bysarahsingleton

POWERED by @femaleswhosidehustle