The number one challenge, hurdle and common question from entrepreneurs and freelancers is always about PRICING. Sometimes it can feel like the hardest part in starting your biz! Everything from how to set your prices, when and how to adjust them and not feeling bad about requesting payment. 

Women in business often under price themselves and similar to finances, pricing seems to be a topic we dance around. We want to open the conversation up by sharing our experiences with setting our prices and many things you should consider when creating your pricing strategy... OH and how to navigate the friends & family discount! 

Current Obsessions
A few of Sarah's birthday gifts
— custom gift box @millerboxco
— charcuterie box @boardandbubbly

So have a listen, send to a friend and #saveherseat

PS. Start your own podcast with Buzzsprout HERE

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Teri Canestraro @teri.can
Sarah Singleton @bysarahsingleton

POWERED by @femaleswhosidehustle