This is not Deja Vu, there is no glitch in the matrix. Your Savage hosts welcome Charles White of Fabled Environments to the show to announce the RE-launch of his kickstarter for Olympus, Inc. (Coming April 5th, 2016) and discuss why the forces of evil pulled it the first time at 98% funded.

Charles talks about the ideas behind Olympus Inc, working with gli Italiani, the evolution of his publishing company and future aspirations for the Olympus Inc line.

We also dig deep into Charles' past and find out how he got into gaming and Savage Worlds, religion in gaming, revealing your gamer status to co-workers, and more.


Misfit Studios released Monster Brief: Mixed Foes, with four new monsters to your Savage Worlds games.
Melior Via  has released Accursed: Science and Sea, expanding their Accursed setting.

Savage Tales of Horror brings you five adventures to bring terror to your gaming table and to haunt your players long after they’ve left your house. Maximize your potential for horror by buying all three of the Savage Tales of Horror in the  Best of Horror Bundle, and get 10% off any of our other horror titles.

Ron Blessing and Kristian Serrano over at Savage Bloggers Network have invited the Savage Mommy and me to an SBN Hangout On Air the last Monday in March, the 28th, at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, 7:30 Mountain to talk about Podcasting and Savage Worlds.

Their last hangout featured Karl Keesler who will be our guest at Tacticon2016, so be sure to check out the video where Karl displays some of his newest creations.

Above is a link to subscribe to SBN Hangouts on AIR so you don’t miss it. But you should go ahead and just subscribe to the whole SBN feed while you’re at it.  Mark your calendars so you can catch us live and perhaps ask us some questions on the evening of the 28th.

We're working on Fuch's crappy audio for the opening segments. Some folks have asked if we have a fundraising link or anything yet. We don't and while we'd love some mullah to buy some better equipment, we're not going down the crowdfunding path at this time.

That doesn't mean we wouldn't love your support in other ways. Send us tips, share our show on your social media, give us product to review or whatever.  To this end any links we post to DriveThruRPG materials on the blog (like above) will benefit our "affiliate" account so when you buy stuff after visiting through our link we get store credit at no cost to you.

Be sure to stick around at the end of this episode for a sneak peak at our interview with Sean Patrick Fannon on how he got Kevin Seimbieda to green-light Savage RIFTS. 

Appearing: Chris Fuchs, Christopher Landauer, Charles White, Sean Patrick Fannon
Credits: Introduction by Derek Johnson, Music by Jib

This is not Deja Vu, there is no glitch in the matrix. Your Savage hosts welcome Charles White of Fabled Environments to the show to announce the RE-launch of his kickstarter for Olympus, Inc(Coming April 5th, 2016) and discuss why the forces of evil pulled it the first time at 98% funded.

Charles talks about the ideas behind Olympus Inc, working with gli Italiani, the evolution of his publishing company and future aspirations for the Olympus Inc line.

We also dig deep into Charles’ past and find out how he got into gaming and Savage Worlds, religion in gaming, revealing your gamer status to co-workers, and more.


Misfit Studios released Monster Brief: Mixed Foes, with four new monsters to your Savage Worlds games.

Melior Via  has released Accursed: Science and Sea, expanding their Accursed setting.

Savage Tales of Horror brings you five adventures to bring terror to your gaming table and to haunt your players long after they’ve left your house. Maximize your potential for horror by buying all three of the Savage Tales of Horror in the  Best of Horror Bundle, and get 10% off any of our other horror titles.

Ron Blessing and Kristian Serrano over at Savage Bloggers Network have invited the Savage Mommy and me to an SBN Hangout On Air the last Monday in March, the 28th, at 9:30 PM Eastern Time, 7:30 Mountain to talk about Podcasting and Savage Worlds.

Their last hangout featured Karl Keesler who will be our guest at Tacticon2016, so be sure to check out the video where Karl displays some of his newest creations.

Above is a link to subscribe to SBN Hangouts on AIR so you don’t miss it. But you should go ahead and just subscribe to the whole SBN feed while you’re at it.  Mark your calendars so you can catch us live and perhaps ask us some questions on the evening of the 28th.

We’re working on Fuch’s crappy audio for the opening segments. Some folks have asked if we have a fundraising link or anything yet. We don’t and while we’d love some mullah to buy some better equipment, we’re not going down the crowdfunding path at this time.

That doesn’t mean we wouldn’t love your support in other ways. Send us tips, share our show on your social media, give us product to review or whatever.  To this end any links we post to DriveThruRPG materials on the blog (like above) will benefit our “affiliate” account so when you buy stuff after visiting through our link we get store credit at no cost to you.

Be sure to stick around at the end of this episode for a sneak peak at our interview with Sean Patrick Fannon on how he got Kevin Seimbieda to green-light Savage RIFTS. 

Appearing: Chris Fuchs, Christopher Landauer, Charles White, Sean Patrick Fannon

Credits: Introduction by Derek Johnson, Music by Jib