Mommy and Bull are back to help you not suck at Savage Worlds.

Savage Happenings: We discuss the highly successful Weird War One kickstarter and 7th Sea, tease our upcoming episodes with Charles White about Olympus Inc. and its upcoming kickstarter resurrection on April 5th.

We also hint at our upcoming Sean Patrick Fannon recording which will cover a RIFTS interview and an actual-play.

Karl Keesler of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1980s fame is confirmed as the Savage Worlds special guest for Tacticon 2016 (second only to GenghisCon as the largest Savage Worlds convention anywhere) which will be held in Colorado Springs, CO September 1st through 4th.

Thank you listeners (and our Moms) for catapulting our show to the "New and Noteworthy" section of iTunes and into the Top 10 podcasts in our category.

Savage Main Course: We blather on for an hour talking about how Bull's Tacticon2015 game bored Shane to tears necessitating a GM reboot and the resulting "Don't Suck at Con Games" advice we gathered in the aftermath.

Tips for both Game Masters and Players to get the most out of your Convention games is now featured on Pinnacle's Convention page.

Learn from our mistakes to avoid the most common pitfalls that lead to lousy con games. We originally recorded this back in December so "the last Con" mentioned in the episode was Tacticon 2015, not GenghisCon 2016, in case that's confusing -- but the advice applies for any convention games big or small.

Remember, we want YOUR tips, so send them (audio preferred) to [email protected].  Also send in any questions you have for Sean Patrick Fannon on the upcoming Savage Worlds release of RIFTS.

N.B.: "Locative" is apparently a portmanteau of "loquacious" and "talkative."

Appearing: Chris Fuchs, Christopher Landauer
Credits: Introduction by Derek Johnson, Music by Jib, Editing advice by Chris Sniezak

Mommy and Bull are back to help you not suck at Savage Worlds.

Savage Happenings: We discuss the highly successful Weird War One kickstarter and 7th Sea, tease our upcoming episodes with Charles White about Olympus Inc. and its upcoming kickstarter resurrection on April 5th.

We also hint at our upcoming Sean Patrick Fannon recording which will cover a RIFTS interview and an actual-play.

Karl Keesler of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 1980s fame is confirmed as the Savage Worlds special guest for Tacticon 2016 (second only to GenghisCon as the largest Savage Worlds convention anywhere) which will be held in Colorado Springs, CO September 1st through 4th.

Thank you listeners (and our Moms) for catapulting our show to the “New and Noteworthy” section of iTunes and into the Top 10 podcasts in our category.

Savage Main Course: We blather on for an hour talking about how Bull’s Tacticon2015 game bored Shane to tears necessitating a GM reboot and the resulting “Don’t Suck at Con Games” advice we gathered in the aftermath.

Tips for both Game Masters and Players to get the most out of your Convention games is now featured on Pinnacle’s Convention page.

Learn from our mistakes to avoid the most common pitfalls that lead to lousy con games. We originally recorded this back in December so “the last Con” mentioned in the episode was Tacticon 2015, not GenghisCon 2016, in case that’s confusing — but the advice applies for any convention games big or small.

Remember, we want YOUR tips, so send them (audio preferred) to [email protected].  Also send in any questions you have for Sean Patrick Fannon on the upcoming Savage Worlds release of RIFTS.

N.B.: “Locative” is apparently a portmanteau of “loquacious” and “talkative.”

Appearing: Chris Fuchs, Christopher Landauer

Credits: Introduction by Derek Johnson, Music by Jib, Editing advice by Chris Sniezak