Probably one of the most enjoyable podcasts I have done to date, this week I have the pleasure of interviewing Brent Herd, CEO and Founder of Pacifica Media. Recorded during the 2018 Christmas holiday at the St. Regis Hotel in Atlanta, Brent shares. with me his work founding The Awakened Dad, an organization focused on talking about the challenges dads in corporate America face as they find themselves often exchanging family time for work.

There are no doubt many who have dreams and ambitions of making it to the top in business. There are also a fair number of you who are well on your way or in senior leadership roles within your organization. While there is a lot to be proud of as one carves a path to business success, the road to the top can be stressful, challenging, sometimes lonely, and often calls for personal sacrifices that may have lasting effects on one's family. 

While we often have any number of cliche's or platitudes to describe the challenges faced by those climbing the corporate ladder, we are often  less likely to really talk about it. In this interview Brent opens up with some very candid and honest dialog about what he gave up on his climb to the top and as I discover, it was all too familiar. Chances are you too may be working through many of the topics Brent and I discuss as we seek to explore and examine just what it takes to be top in your field. 

As mentioned in this episode, below is a link to Brent's video, which caught my eye on LinkedIn

Brought to you by The Satisfactionist Podcast


The Awakened Dad Video