If you're like a few people I know (naming no names and including me), you may have:

strong imaginations of becoming a published author and are hiding behind the excuse of procrastination;

streams of amazing content in various formats - that when collated could be a ready-made book - but remains hidden from the world due to an affliction called 'I'lldoittomorrowtitis'.

published a jazzy covered e-Book or Kindle version and have talked yourself into believing this qualifies you to make claims of being 'a published author'.

If you resonate with any of these situations then this podcast could very well be the game changer that transforms your thoughts to empowered action.

My guest in The Coaching Lounge, Ms Daniella Blechner CEO of Conscious Dreams Publishing and author of Mr. Wrong and 7 Shades of Love, wowed me with her amazing knowledge and insight on what it takes to become a published author.

As well as urging you to "always dedicate time to your writing" and "write what is in your heart" Daniella provides in-depth answers to questions that you may have always wanted to know about how to turn your words into an impactful book.

Tune in to be privy to exciting information that will lift your spirits and get you motivated to write the book damn it!

You will learn:

- the difference between writer's block for fiction and non-fiction writing.
- tips for creating a compelling book cover design.
- how exactly to fulfill your burning desire of finally getting your book published.
- partnerships to forge so that you get your book out there.

Not only that, you will find out how YOU can become a participant at Daniella's sought-after workshop 'The Power of Your Story'.