Too often, women take for granted the tremendous contribution they make to society. It can be true to say that some women make their contribution to the world through selfless acts, in which very often, they put others first and themselves last.

In this podcast episode, recorded in September 2013, I discuss the ripple effect and how simple acts can result in amazing outcomes that have a tremendous impact on others.

Be encouraged to reflect on your own self-less acts and the wider impact that YOUR contribution makes to the world - that can very often be taken for granted - not only by others but by yourself!

You will also learn about Rebecca's experience and her recount of how 'The Ripple Effect' culminated in her delivery of a speech at the Unifero Conference in Iasi, Romania, at the invite of the President and Founder of this organization, Smaranda Livescu.

Dedicated to all women everywhere, this show is to remind you of your greatness and that you are indeed Phenomenal. YOU make a difference to the lives of others. Will you stand up and be counted?

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