In my interview with Lashawanda Becoats - Editor-in-Chief of Pride Magazine - you may hear me furiously taking notes at times to capture pearls of wisdom that were so eloquently and gracefully expressed by my inspiring guest.

Little did I know that these notes would be a source of strength in the midst of a traumatic event that unfolded shortly after this interview took place. Just a few days later, I found myself on a 25-hour journey to the other side of the world, wobbling under emotions of fear, anxiety and worry all wrapped up in one.

In the centre of the storm that shook up my world, Lashawnda's messages in this interview served a very crucial purpose. When you ‘Run Toward Your Life’. you face fear head-on, accept and embrace who you are without apology. This empowers you to more readily tap into the well of wisdom that lies deep within and stand in faith.

In this podcast episode, Lashawnda shares the power that comes with unashamed authenticity as you Validate Yourself First and the important role that coaching plays in this.


Re-Vibe Your Life! -