Previous Episode: Check list

Hello to all,

December has arrived, and post-production is... not as fast as we had hoped for.

We've been very busy with our professional commitments (i.e.: our jobs), so I suspect this month we won't have updates or videos. Hopefully, by January things will cool down, and we'll be able to press the accelerator in the effects and music departments!!!

Making something as "low budget" has it's 'issues'. One of them: that things take longer to be completed. It's just part of the process. It's completelly normal.

It would be a differnet story if we were getting paid to work on SAT. I'm sure we'd probably had it finished by now. But because we all have jobs, we can only work on SAT on our spare time.

For all of you that have been present so far, thank you very much for your comments.

We hope to get back on track next year!

If by any chance we make progress this month, we'll post it!

Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah!
Let this month be filled of joy and happyness!

Until next time,