Pre-production... CHECK!
That means: finishing the script, finding locations, finding actors, getting/building props, organizing everything for "the shoot", etc.

Production... CHECK!
That means, the actual shoot.

Post-Production.... (?)

Last Monday we finished shooting everything needed for SAT. I can finally say that we have everything "in the can", or in our case: "in the tapes".

Now it's time for the Post Production to begin!

For those of you who have no idea what Post-production is, here's a quick rundown:
Editing. Creating the visual effects. Composing and recording the music. Sound design and sound mixing. Color correction, among others (these are the main ones).

I do have to clarify that I began editing a long time ago. Once we shot a scene, I was editing right away. So the first scene we did (Pencil Man), was the first one I edited. Then it was the last scene of SAT: the Parking Structure. Then came the Restaurant scene, which we had to shoot in two separate days (two weeks apart); and last Monday we shot the remaining scene, which happens to be the opening scene.

So, the editing was happening at the same time as we were shooting. I oficially finished editing everything today. (For you editors out there, I edited each scene in a separate sequences).

At least, they are rought cuts which -I think- are 90-95% perfect. There are slight timing issues (a few frames) in the shots where we have visual effects that will have to be trimmed a little bit. We'll define these, once all the effects are done.

I've exported quicktimes of each scene. Damion and Robert will use them to create the effects (Damion) and the music and sound design (Robert).

We don't have a video to post, but we plan to make one about the process making the music, another one making the sound, and a third one about the visual effects.

We'll keep everyone posted as this process goes forward.

Until next time!