#awakening #ascension #spirituality
Dearest ones,
Here is a meditation that we can use to co- create NEW TIMELINE FOR EARTH'S ASCENSION INTO THE 5TH DIMENSION AND HEAVEN ON EARTH .  A great battle is underway and our job as light works is to now RISE ABOVE the battle into the collective creator consciousness  OF UNITY and build our heaven on earth TOGETHER NOW. You have the tools, this is the moment you have been waiting for since you were born. Do this meditation or a similar meditation or your own version as much as possible, every day if you can and anchor in this higher consciousness. Do not let the chaos in 3D polarity distract you from this. This new timeline is OURS to create as a collective. TRUST the unknown, your intuition and source consciousness. Trust your evolution.  Love yourself and others, work as one. LOVE HEALS ALL.
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For Manifesting and Healing Retreats with Sarita, Personal Mentoring or Distant Healing, MP3s to download or Virtual Meditation Group Classes go to: http://www.solhenge.com