Common perfectionist beliefs (raise your hand if you can relate):

I can't feel good unless I'm doing goodPeople only value me when I am near perfectA mistake means I didn’t try hard enough

If you were like "hells yeah!" to any of the above, this week's episode is for you.

I'm going to share a rule a little about my own journey with perfectionism. (Oddly, it starts with spiders. Actually, it probably starts before that. But the spider part really sticks in my mind.)

I'll also share a rule I've implemented with myself that has brought a lot of grace and ease to my stressed out perfectionist life.

And then we'll explore some bonus tips about giving yourself grace when the shit REALLY hits the fan! Like you're moving your mom, fighting with your oven repair guy, and someone is shitting in your stairwell — all at the same time. (Actual true story! I'll tell it on the episode.)


Resources Mentioned:

The Adult Child's Guide to What's Normal