I hear often, “I’m boring” or “there’s nothing interesting about me” and my response is always you would be really surprised at how interested your ideal client is in your life and what you have to say. In today’s episode, I’m going to break down how to tap into your personality strengths to build a personal brand that resonates with everyone. If you’re looking for 1:1 accountability & mentoring, I have almost a decade of biz experience and can help you accomplish anything you dream of so your next step is to watch this short video to learn more about me and how I can help you live your most FREE dream life here: https://www.sarahdhall.com/coaching. Take my brand new Sales IQ Quiz here www.sarahdhall.com/quiz and uncover your sales gaps plus get actionable tips to improve immediately to level up your sales skills in less than one week.  Come Say “Hi” on Instagram @thesarahdhall: http://www.instagram.com/