Over its 10 year journey, Tori has matured from a startup to the leading marketplace in Finland. Today, Tori employs 60 people in central Helsinki with 2.4 million users on the platform Tori.fi every month.

It’s safe to say that everybody in Finland knows Tori, and there are a lot of promises to be filled on a daily basis. Most of us know it as the C2C-circular economic platform where Moomin mugs change owner, but it’s also a lot more. Tori caters to both B2B customers and consumers alike, aiming to provide them with caring, trustworthy, and sustainable service.

Luis leads the product function at Tori.fi and in his own words, “exists to make product development more data-driven”. His team of Product Managers, designers and UX researchers together create the experience that users have in Tori.fi.

The product team's role is to figure out what are the things that they need to bring to Tori.fi users, and these projects are then executed in cross-functional teams between product, design, and development.

When talking about Product Managers we often think SCRUM and Agile, but these methodologies are really only a fraction of what a Product Manager should be. What are the “three legs” that a Product Manager has to stand on? How do you make sure your opinions are founded on something other than your own biases? What makes curiosity the most important trait of a Product Manager?

There's no better person to hear it from than Luis. Listen now on the Sangre x startups podcast!