I recorded this episode on my own.

This topic has been burning from within me for a while, so now I'm speaking to it.

I've spoken to many women who are gaslit, unsupported and deflated throughout their medical journey.  Most look to their physicians to have their back - to support them when they're lost and don't know where to turn with their health.  I've been very fortunate to "find" my amazing medical team.  It didn't happen without effort.  Just like everyone in life in various professions - some give it their all, whereas others do not.  The difference now is that we live in a world of information.  We can do our own research.  And I am a big believer in education.  And let's not forget this one fact - only we know our own body the best - I don't care about how many years of medical school you've gone through.  Our health should be a discussion where there is a mutual agreement on a plan of action.

This isn't a bashing of allopathic doctors. There are so many amazing doctors out there (I have some great ones) - sometimes we just need to work a little harder to find them.

This episode is intended to support those who need that "fire" lit under them in order to receive the best medical care available to them.  

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