Seibo Shen went to law school (and dropped out after two weeks), ran the race of Silicon Valley startups while running up his bank account balance, and served as a CEO in the cannabis space. Driven to accomplish so much from the strict and demanding upbringing instilled in him by his father, Seibo decided to reset his life and follow the loving and nurturing lessons of his mother. He now working as a transformational coach, helping professionals avoid the burn-out that he experienced. Please have a listen as we discuss Seibo's journey to self-discovery. 

Show Notes: 

00:39 - Seibo featured in the Asian Hustle Network book Uplifted, helping Asian entrepreneurs achieve success. 

02:27 - Seibo's origin story of dropping out of law school, finding career success creating software in Silicon Valley, and eventually moving into the cannabis space. 

04:47 - The law of diminishing returns of fulfilment in continued monetary success. 

08:51 - About this relentless drive to success: the amazing gift of Seibo's father. 

12:17 - Learning by doing things: The difference between reading a map and walking the terrain. 

13:35 - As a CEO, concerning yourself more about your team's success than your own advancement. 

15:29 - Seibo as a coach: success stories. 

17:59 - The parenting style of Seibo's mother and father. 

20:20 - What Seibo kept from his own upbringing when parenting his children, and what he changed. 

24:15 - Being able to self-express and show vulnerability as a parent. 

26:57 - Showing your true, authentic self instead of trying to be the smartest person in the room. 

27:56 - Using curiosity and understanding to heal the divisiveness in the world. 

30:14 - Understanding the roots of racial prejudice. 33:18 - Making the best decisions with the information you have at the time. 

35:55 - Seibo's one piece of advice to sandwich parents. 

#seiboshen #chillionnaire #chilliannairecoach #seiboknows #seibospeaks #SherryYuanHunter #asianhustlenetwork #sandwichparenting #parenting #startuplife #fatherhood #motherhood #ceo #transformationalcoach #selfdiscovery #cannabis #professionaldevelopment #AsianMentalHealth


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