I took the pressure off of myself to keep on keeping on, to stick with business as usual this week. (It was no usual week here in Texas, after all.) Which means the podcast episodes I had on deck for tomorrow will not be released as planned.

Instead, I took a pause.

Texans: I hope that you will honor your body this week by prayerfully taking a moment to pause, to be still, before you press on.

Take a moment to notice.
To grieve. To lament.
To be grateful.
And to pray.

The ice may be melting away, but devastation remains. As does Hope.

I am recording a short prayer inspired by this sacred pause in the aftermath of a crisis. That will be what I release tomorrow on Sanctuary Woman.

Texans: I hope you will find comfort in this prayer.

Non-Texans: I hope you’ll join me in praying for Texas.