I’m going to share with you about my own epiphanies and curiosities that led to this podcast, Sanctuary Woman. And as you listen to my story, ask God for holy perspective as you reflect back on how the holy spirit has is guiding you toward your next right thing. Think about what you’ve been learning about God, about yourself, about the world. Think about what you still want to learn about God, about yourself, about the world.

Sanctuary Woman was born out of a deep pain, deep hope, deep desire. I had long been searching for a true place of belonging, and I suppose on this side of heaven there may never be a place that we experience that kind of belonging that we all long for. But that doesn’t mean we can’t try, right?

Lectio Divina: Exodus 3


God of Moses, 

God who sets people free. 

You welcome our brave questions. You ask us to do brave things. 

Thank you, for being a wayfinder, for leading your children out of oppression, out of shame, and into freedom and into your loving kindness. As each of us finds our way back to you, may we also become a wayfinder. May we be a Sanctuary. 


To download the accompanying Examen guidebook PDF to journal through the Examen, click here. 

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Music by Jameson McGregor.

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