In episode one, listeners are welcomed by Morgan Strehlow, who shares a short story from her own limping faith journey and the hopes she has for the Sanctuary Woman podcast - for listeners to either experience a sense of greater belonging and kindredness in the Christian church, OR for listeners to become people who can more compassionately extend that sense of belonging to someone else. Because church can be hard, but it doesn't have to be. 

Lectio Divina: Psalm 107

Questions for Reflection:

How are you able to welcome God’s presence?
Where are you able to welcome God’s presence?
Where do you struggle to recognize God’s presence?
What is keeping you from noticing God’s presence?
Who helps you to remember God’s presence? 


Lord, when we cannot stand, may we find your Church as a refuge for our wounded spirits and tired souls. When we find ourselves on our knees, Lord, may we there find your Church alongside us and experience her as an agent of healing rather than a thrower of stones. May we practice resurrection and find ourselves back on our feet, ready to extend the resurrection life to this world. 

Connect with Morgan:

@sanctuarywoman on Instagram
Sanctuary Woman on Facebook
@mostrehlow on Instagram
@morganstrehlow on Twitter

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Music by Jameson McGregor.

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