Join Krista Weber Huang as we both celebrate Father's Day and remember the tragedy of the mass shooting at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC three years ago. We'll explore together the emotional and complex intersectionality of gender, race, culture, and genes in the nurture vs nature debate and how our UU faith call us to respond with open minds and open hearts.

Krista Weber Huang is UU Candidate for Ministry who graduated from Meadville Lombard in 2016 and completed a year long Chaplain Residency at Baptist Health System in San Antonio, TX in late 2017. She is a life long learner who is excited by exploring how different disciplines intersect and how we can live out UU values on a daily basis. In her free time she plays cooperative board games, engages in various forms of art and movement, and is a science fiction/fantasy fan. She and her spouse are excited to be expecting their first child in September.