Church, and religion I will argue, could be about a search for meaning, compassion, love and ultimately for a harmony of all humankind with one another and the idea of the Holy, however we define, think, or talk about it. Eastern religion, especially, speaks of it as crucial to a balance of life and certainly we seek it in music! I will explain why a 12 string guitar as more harmony than a 6 string.

Rev. Art Severance, formerly minister of First UU Church in San Antonio, has also served UU congregations in Kirkland, OH, Boulder, CO; Stockton, CA; and Amherst, NY. After his recent retirement, he and his wife moved back to San Antonio to be near their three daughters and grandchildren who live there and in Austin. Art is also a gifted singer/songwriter and will provide the music, as well as preaching, for this service.