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Everyone ages, that’s just a fact of life. When it comes time for you to move your parents or an elderly relative out of a home they have been living in for a long time, it can be tough to let go. Today we want to help ease the pain of moving on by giving you some tips for how to move your senior out in a timely and stress-free fashion, while also selling the home for the highest amount of money possible. Here are our tips:

1. Communication

Seniors can be very emotionally invested in their home, especially when they have lived there for a number of years. Of course there will be some sadness and apprehension about the move, and you’ve got to give them time to grieve and the chance to talk about where they want to live in order to help them make a smooth transition. 

2. Planning effectively

Before you begin sorting and organizing everything in the home, it’s a good idea to get a visual of where your senior is moving and what you’ll need to make the move possible.

3. Enlist relatives

Encourage close friends and family members to take some days off, and come help with the organizing and cleaning out of the house. Surrounding your senior with those who are loving and encouraging will help ease the stress.

4. Sort and organize

Go through the house item by item, room by room, and categorize the objects to make things easier. Should they be donated, handed down to other family members, or kept for the move? Honor the emotional attachment to certain objects and allow your senior to reminisce when they are going through that stuff. 

5. Clean and repair the home

Keep the home in its best possible shape no matter what you are doing with it, it will save you money down the road. 

6. Plan the moving day

There are a few different strategies I suggest for moving your senior loved ones into their new home. A full service moving company can be a little pricey, but it’s the most economical and the easiest. Get your loved ones to be a part of this and make sure your senior parents are taken care of on the trip. 

If you have any questions or need anything real estate related, we would love to help. Give us a call or send us an email, we look forward to speaking with you!