Sam and Brandon Carter sit down and talk about what the last year has been like for Brandon moving from New York City to Miami Florida and the lesson he has learned from increasing his overall social status, Connecting with more like-minded friends, and gaining wealth beyond imaginable.

The two take a trip down memory lane to the time Brandon forgot who Sam was because he had changed so much over the space of 2 months and how you can change your life around in just 2 months by getting the right mentality and mentors.

Brandon's Socials




Sam's Socials


If you're looking to level up your social life. Become that guy that wakes up to multiple text messages, invites on the weekend to parties, good morning texts from girls that actually want to hang out with you. Then stop procrastinating and self rationalizing and decide today to make a change in your life. Social Life Mentoring can take you from where you are now and within the next 90 days completely transform your social life. - Click the link for a FREE 30-minute Consultation ( )