During this episode of the Sam’s On Fire Podcast, host Sam Livingston, business coach and realtor, talks to Nick Krem, a real estate content advisor and Co-founder of Content Cardz! Krem shares how he started his company Content Cardz!, which is now in 41 states after less than a year in business. They discuss why people struggle with creating video content and how to move past limiting beliefs to commit to your own success. 


Episode Highlights:

Nick Krem began his career in construction. On his 19th birthday, he walked away and found a real estate call center. He eventually managed the whole company. Then he made the leap to start his own business, Content Cardz! 

Many people get stuck in their lives because they are afraid to take a leap.

Krem’s mindset opened up when he attended an event he says he had no business attending. 

It can be exhilarating to be in a room with successful people, even if it is intimidating at first.

Many people in good mastermind groups are there finding ways to elevate themselves by elevating others.

When Krem faced doubts about starting a business, he would go for a run to clear his head.

When coaching clients, Livingston finds that many people avoid producing video content for three reasons. They fear they don’t have anything to say. They dislike the sound of their voice on audio. They’re afraid they don’t have content or the right content.

If you are capable of having a discussion on the phone, you are capable of producing video content.

They discuss worrying about what other people will think and how to get over that fear when producing video content.

Video is the #1 tool to reach your audience.

If you don’t have an online brand, people won’t trust you in the future.

Producing video content is one way you can set yourself apart.

You need to be able to reach your clients on different platforms. 

Krem tells the story of working with disruptors in the industry and trying to solve their problems. His business idea was a solution to a common problem he encountered in consultations.

Krem wanted his business to be mobile, social, and friendly. 

How can you make doing business with you the easiest option for your client?

Krem shares the value proposition his business offers. 

In the next five years, real estate is going to change dramatically.

The number #1 thing Livingston sees in his coaching practice is that people are unwilling to just make the decision. 

You have to decide and then make it a reality. 

Ask yourself: “Are you interested or committed?”


3 Key Points:

Using video is the #1 tool you have to reach your audience.

Find multiple ways to make it easy to work with you.

Decide what you want to do, and then truly commit.


Resources Mentioned:

Sam Livingston on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Website

Nick Krem:  website  Facebook

Content Cardz! 

Go All In (podcast)

Appointments Today 

Chris Taylor procrastination video 

Nick Krem’s video on How to Have Fresh Content on Demand

Coach Hank Avink

The One Thing (book)


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