During this episode of the Sam’s On Fire podcast, host Sam Livingston, business coach, and realtor, talks to Kelly Bailey, wellness coach at Kelly Bailey Wellness. Bailey shares about her journey from being a personal trainer focused on fitness and nutrition, to a wellness coach that helps clients transition away from dieting using mindful eating practices. This conversation explores how Bailey’s business shifted as she uncovered her passion for mindful eating. With this refined approach, she feels new excitement about her work and is able to attract the right clientele. 


Episode Highlights: 

Kelly Bailey began her career as a fitness coach and personal trainer. When she found that many of her clients needed help with their eating habits, she became a certified health coach with a basis in holistic nutrition. 

Bailey guided clients through a variety of fad diets. As she thought about her own struggles with binge eating, she realized that traditional dieting was making the problem worse.

Talking the talk, but not walking the walk, in your business is ultimately not sustainable.

Bailey was tired of teaching specific diets and even bored by guiding clients through these programs.

When Bailey shifted her business to focus on intuitive eating and mindful eating practices, she found a true passion for her work.

Shifting the focus in your business to better align with your passion can dramatically change how much you enjoy your work. 

Finding this passion makes Bailey genuinely excited to wake up in the morning and get started with the day. 

When you find what makes you feel passionate about your business, you’re able to see clearly what you’re doing that isn’t sustainable. 

Bailey used to post pictures of herself in a bathing suit. With her new emphasis on wellness, that’s no longer a part of her marketing strategy. 

When you realize something you’re practicing is unsustainable, you no longer want to teach others that unsustainable practice. You want to show them a better way.

When passion is in place, fear can be replaced by excitement.

Bailey renamed her business to reflect the shift in her mindset. 

Bailey knows exactly the type of client she can best serve.

It’s a mistake to believe that everyone is the client for you. 

Avoiding a scarcity mindset will help you ultimately attract the right clientele for your business.

In any service industry, it’s a good idea to choose the right clients. 

When you start working with the wrong people, you start building the wrong clientele.

You need to have clients that are going to carry out what you’re telling them to do.

When Bailey meets prospective clients that aren’t a good fit, she now refers them to other coaches who are better suited to them. Passion guides her client selection.  

Your success depends upon the passion you have with the people you’re working with. 

Build clientele that you know, like, and trust. 


3 Key Points:

When you find what makes you feel passionate about your business, your work becomes more enjoyable and even exciting.

If you provide passion, you will attract the right clientele for your business. 

Believing you can serve every client is an unsustainable mindset. If you take the wrong clients, you acquire the wrong clientele.


Resources Mentioned:

Sam Livingston on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Website

Kelly Bailey Wellness (website)

Kelly Bailey on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook

Coach Hank Avink

Gary Vaynerchuk

Twitter Mentions