To start the new semester, we are going to be doing something a little different. We are starting a new podcast/video interview called Saluki Innovation.

This platform aims to interview and discuss new innovative ideas and works across all disciplines at SIU, and the Southern Illinois community.

I hope that members of this community will be engaged and open to new ideas and problems that faculty, students, and alumni are tackling.

Our first guest's name is Raymund Narag. Raymund has a remarkable story and is just a truly remarkable individual. I feel honored to learn from him.

Raymund Spent seven years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. All the while, never losing his faith, he continued to be proactive about his situation.

He started to teach fellow prisons who couldn't read and even developed a records system using Exel while still being an inmate in the middle of his trial.

He continues his work to this day, helping the prison system in the Philippines. He also is an associate professor here at SIU in the Criminology and Justice Department.

Has was a real pleasure to sit down and talk with him. This interview is going to be a difficult one to top. Please sit back and enjoy this incredible story of resilience, perseverance, and faith.