In this episode Jung opens his Egg. Carol Ferris discusses duality, Kathleen Raine, William Blake and James Hillman. Satya Doyle Byock shares a Gilgamesh Dream and explores the animus / anima binary. A guest, Leonora, illuminates the images in this chapter. Ann Carroll translates the German word for “evil” and the original meaning of "sin.” Q&A, features anti-racist dream-work, the intersection of the material and the quantum, and a heart-felt story of recently departed Swan.

Chapters: “Incantations” & “The Opening of the Egg"

Astrological Charts:

Jung, Opening of the Egg 2

Learn More:

Salome Institute: Carol: Satya: Satya's book: Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood

Recorded June 28, 2020