An introduction to our hosts psychotherapist Satya Doyle Byock and astrologer Carol Ferris, as they embark on a socially relevant exploration of Carl Jung’s Red Book through the astrology of those extraordinary times, and ours.

Satya provides a summary of the content of The Red Book and Jungian Psychology, as well as a feminist reading of Jung's work.

Astrologer Carol Ferris uses an astrological lens to explore the nature of Jung's descent into the unconscious that began in 1913, and its relationship to the outbreak of WWI.

In this episode we also explore precognition, "The Spirit of the Depths," "The Spirit of the Times," the Battle of the Marne, Jung's natal horoscope, and the horoscopes of 2020, amidst the outbreak of Covid-19 in United States and around the world.

This scholarship on Jungian Psychology and The Red Book is presented by Portland Astrologer Carol Ferris, and The Salome Institute Director and psychotherapist, Satya Doyle Byock.

Astrological Horoscopes for Episode 1

Battle of the Marne Carl Jung: Natal Horoscope Carl Jung: Dream of European Flood Jupiter Conjunction March 2020 Pluto Conjunction January 2020

Originally Recorded March 22, 2020 Portland, OR