Satya Doyle Byock and Carol Ferris explore the darkness of Hell, Pluto, and Death through Jung's journey. Carol discusses the astrology and archetypal nature of Pluto. Satya explores the inherent mess of existence. Carol dives into the horoscope of the Birth of America in 1776 and Pluto's role. Other topics include Buckminster Fuller's "trim tab", Nietzsche, the Divine Mother, Joy, and the dualities of vice & virtue, hot & cold, good & evil, and what it means collectively for the return of the Feminine. 

Chapters: "Death" & "The Remains of Earlier Temples"

Astrological Charts:

Jung, First Day Izdubar

Learn More:

Salome Institute: Carol: Satya: Satya's book: Quarterlife: The Search for Self in Early Adulthood

Recorded June 14, 2020