There is a lot of buzz in the Sales Acceleration space about Account-Based Sales. In this episode we breakdown why people are even talking about it, what it really means, and who this strategy is right for.

Why Are We Talking About Account-Based Sales?

It's a surprise we're talking about Account-Based Sales but you can't deny it, you have to embrace it.

Breaking Down the Definition of Account-Based Sales Prospecting

Prospecting is the first part of Account-Based Sales. We define it so we can better understand how to execute it.

What Are the Reasons for the Reawakening of Account-Based Strategies?

There are multiple reasons but we narrow it down to three.

**Who Is the Account-Based Model Right For?

This model is not right for everyone and frankly, most organizations need to be open to running multiple types of models.

Who Owns the Account-Based Initiative?

If everybody is owning different parts of the account-based strategy, who ultimately owns it?

The Evolution of the Account-Based Model

You can't start at 60mph, you have to understand where you are and then get a plan to evolve your account-based strategies.