David Connors is the Co-Founder and CEO of The Swarm. The Swarm is a really interesting Go To Network Platform that helps revenue organizations tap into the vast power of their extended networks and relationships so they can accelerate sales, recruiting, and fundraising. The Swarm is experiencing some rapid growth right now as they help organizations of all sizes turn their networks into a different kind of superpower…and create unfair go to market advantages. David joins us today to share how Going to NETWORK can create advantages every GTM team should leverage and the power that comes from this different source of Revenue Team Fuel. Today David shares how to move away from the traditional “Spray and Pray” approach, throw away broken, outdated playbooks, and see more results, faster.
You can connect with David on LinkedIn here (https://www.linkedin.com/in/connorsdavid/).
You can learn more about The Swarm here (https://www.theswarm.com/).
You can TAKE ADVANTAGE of David’s SPECIAL OFFER for PODCAST LISTENERS HERE (https://www.theswarm.com/).
For video excerpts of this and other episodes of the Sales Leadership Podcast, check out Sales Leadership United Here (https://www.salesleadershipunited.com/subscriptions/).

David Connors is the Co-Founder and CEO of The Swarm. The Swarm is a really interesting Go To Network Platform that helps revenue organizations tap into the vast power of their extended networks and relationships so they can accelerate sales, recruiting, and fundraising. The Swarm is experiencing some rapid growth right now as they help organizations of all sizes turn their networks into a different kind of superpower…and create unfair go to market advantages. David joins us today to share how Going to NETWORK can create advantages every GTM team should leverage and the power that comes from this different source of Revenue Team Fuel. Today David shares how to move away from the traditional “Spray and Pray” approach, throw away broken, outdated playbooks, and see more results, faster.

You can connect with David on LinkedIn here.

You can learn more about The Swarm here.


For video excerpts of this and other episodes of the Sales Leadership Podcast, check out Sales Leadership United Here.