Ed Porter helps revenue teams around the world intentionally improve. Today he joins us to share a blueprint on how sales leaders can take charge of their own development. While it is true that organizations SHOULD take a more deliberate role in the development of their sales leaders, the fact is that most don’t. And right now, with so much changing, being intentional and deliberate about how we lead has never been more important. Ed shares important insights that will help you find ways to create greater impact with those you lead in a very important, very timely episode.
For video snippets of this and other episodes, head to Sales Leadership United at patreon.com/salesleadershipunited.

Ed Porter helps revenue teams around the world intentionally improve. Today he joins us to share a blueprint on how sales leaders can take charge of their own development. While it is true that organizations SHOULD take a more deliberate role in the development of their sales leaders, the fact is that most don’t. And right now, with so much changing, being intentional and deliberate about how we lead has never been more important. Ed shares important insights that will help you find ways to create greater impact with those you lead in a very important, very timely episode.

For video snippets of this and other episodes, head to Sales Leadership United at patreon.com/salesleadershipunited.