Jason Santana is the Sr. Vice President and Head of Global Sales Strategy and Operations at Axiom. Jason is a data scientist turns Sales Leader. He’s had massive success with some of the largest, most successful sales teams in North America. He joins us today to discuss one of the biggest challenges sales leaders face…using data to inspire rather than weaponizing data as so many sales leaders unintentionally do. This is a fantastic decision for every sales leader of all experience levels.
For video snippets of this and other episodes, head to Sales Leadership United at patreon.com/salesleadershipunited.

Jason Santana is the Sr. Vice President and Head of Global Sales Strategy and Operations at Axiom. Jason is a data scientist turns Sales Leader. He’s had massive success with some of the largest, most successful sales teams in North America. He joins us today to discuss one of the biggest challenges sales leaders face…using data to inspire rather than weaponizing data as so many sales leaders unintentionally do. This is a fantastic decision for every sales leader of all experience levels.

For video snippets of this and other episodes, head to Sales Leadership United at patreon.com/salesleadershipunited.