This is episode 175.

Read the complete transcript on the Sales Game Changers Podcast website.

HEATHER'S FINAL TIP TO EMERGING SALES LEADERS: "Continue to learn, grow, evolve and improve every day and so will you. Find the places that you're willing to learn to work hard, to continue to get better. Just keep on working at it and enjoy the journey."

Heather Combs is the Chief Revenue Officer for 3Pillar Global and is passionate about the role that women play in leadership and sales.

If you recognize her name, we previously interviewed Heather on her career journey in sales and sales leadership. You can find that episode at here.

The Institute for Excellence in Sales will be holding its second Women in Sales Leadership Forum starting on October 11.

We wanted to take this opportunity to talk to Heather about some of the opportunities facing women in sales and some ways that they can direct their career.

Find Heather on LinkedIn!